Tag "branding"

Core Brand Elements (Plus Some Core-ish Ones): Part 3

April 11, 2023
Salesperson giving a business elevator pitch for the company’s brand

Note:  As part of this series, I offer market examples to illustrate each concept.  Some are fairly extensive, so I’ve chosen to exceed the four-minute mark in favor of quality (hopefully).  After all, they reinforce my points, and I like credibility.     Welcome, friends, to Part 3 of this three-part series on brand development. …

Tags: Branding, Pitches, Sales

Core Brand Elements (Plus Some Core-ish Ones): Part 2

March 1, 2023
Coca-Cola bottle and advertisement positioning its brand in the market

Note:  As part of this series, I offer market examples to illustrate each concept.  Some are fairly extensive, so I’ve chosen to exceed the four-minute mark in favor of quality (hopefully).  After all, they reinforce my points, and I like credibility.     In Part 1 of this series, we considered how a company’s mission,…

Tags: Branding

Core Brand Elements (Plus Some Core-ish Ones): Part 1

February 6, 2023
What Is Your Story sign inspiring brand development

Note:  As part of this series, I offer market examples to illustrate each concept.  Some are fairly extensive, so I’ve chosen to exceed the four-minute mark in favor of quality (hopefully).  After all, they reinforce my points, and I like credibility.     Much of the work I’ve been doing for a tech startup lately…

Tags: Branding

I Write Copy, But Does That Make Me A Copywriter?

March 7, 2022
Storytelling strategist’s notebook with the words Write Ideas on the cover

I made a mistake when I started this business.  I marketed myself as a copywriter.  That was wrong.   Here’s why.   People often hear the term “copywriter” and think of someone who puts the print in advertising.  The fact is, I rarely, if ever, write ads.  Therefore, to commit to “copywriter” as a freelancer…

Tags: Branding, Freelancing

Value Props, USPs, And Positioning Statements, Oh My!

February 1, 2022
Colored bottle standing out from the rest with a unique value proposition

Relax, Dorothy, this yellow brick road doesn’t have to be complicated.   Right?   There are a lot of elements to consider when it comes to branding.  I’ve found that these three—value propositions (VPs), unique selling propositions (USPs), and positioning statements—tend to be the most misunderstood, even compared to company mission and vision (which is…

Tags: Branding

Are Your Company’s Grammar Sticklers Right Or Wrong?

December 1, 2021
Grammar and attention to detail are important for your brand and business

In his book Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive, renowned businessman Harvey Mackay shares a story about the time he was invited by former Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz to join the team for a road game.   Holtz had his players dress in jacket and tie as public representatives of the…

Tags: Branding

30-Point Checklist for New Freelancers Part 3: Branding

May 2, 2021
New freelance business person working at home on computers

Note:  I was fortunate to have a support network in getting my business off the ground, and I’m happy to pass along the favor to others doing the same.  So, the posts in this series will be slightly longer than the promised four-minute read rather than mailing it in for the sake of a self-imposed…

Tags: Branding, Content Marketing, Freelancing, Sales, Strategy

30-Point Checklist for New Freelancers Part 2: Communications

April 10, 2021
New freelance contractor doing remote work on a computer

Note:  I was fortunate to have a support network in getting my business off the ground, and I’m happy to pass along the favor to others doing the same.  So, the posts in this series will be slightly longer than the promised four-minute read rather than mailing it in for the sake of a self-imposed…

Tags: Branding, Freelancing, Sales, Strategy

30-Point Checklist for New Freelancers Part 1: Admin Setup

March 6, 2021
Home office with computer and workstation for new freelancers

Note:  I was fortunate to have a support network in getting my business off the ground, and I’m happy to pass along the favor to others doing the same.  So, the posts in this series will be slightly longer than the promised four-minute read rather than mailing it in for the sake of a self-imposed…

Tags: Branding, Freelancing, Sales, Strategy

Business Unit Branding: A Strategic Approach

February 1, 2021
Rebranding a business unit is strategic like chess

You don’t need to be a career marketer to know how important branding is to your business.  Colors, logo, tone, culture, mission—all of these and more represent who you are to the world.   But, it all starts with a name.  Strong, catchy names can perform up to 33% better on the stock market than…

Tags: Branding, Case Studies, Strategy