Tag "customer-service"

A Writer’s Technique For Turning New Clients Into Repeats

September 1, 2021
Freelance creatives should guide how their clients review their work

For any company in any industry, it’s easier to keep existing clients than to get new ones.  This is no secret.   As a freelancer, it’s that much more important.  Sales is on me, so every minute I spend looking for new work is one less minute for billable work.   Some of this work…

Tags: Customer Service, Freelancing

Ironing Out The Most Common Freelancer Vs. Client Wrinkles

July 3, 2021
Freelancer communicating with a client to resolve a conflict

According to a recent study by Skyword, relations between freelance content creators and their clients aren’t always hunky-dory.  Nothing shocking there.  Friction is an occupational hazard for any B2B arrangement.   What is notable are its underlying causes, however.  Some of the most common gripes on both sides are also some of the most avoidable….

Tags: Customer Service, Freelancing, Partnerships

Cold Mountains Are Blueprints For Closing Hot Leads, Part 3: Descent

June 1, 2020
Descending mountain climbers must pay attention like salespeople after the sale

As established in Part 1 and Part 2, high-altitude mountaineering and B2B business development aren’t the strange bedfellows they might seem like at first glance.  Scaling the world’s tallest peaks offers considerable insight into preparing for and then executing a successful sales pitch with quality prospects.   End of story, right?  Not even close.  …

Tags: Customer Service, Sales

10 Ways To Up B2B Customer Retention After The First Sale

May 22, 2020
B2B customer service account team hosting business clients

Churn.  Turnover.  Attrition.  Words no business leader wants to hear preceded by “customer.”  Yet, many do all too often.  Depending on their sector, B2Bs can lose a quarter or more of their clients on an annual basis.   That’s expensive in more ways than one.  But, I’m less concerned with postmortem math than I am…

Tags: Customer Service, Freelancing, Sales