Tag "freelancing"

4 Questions New Clients & Contractors Should Ask Up Front

May 3, 2023
Super Mario Bros. question mark block symbolizing questions clients and contractors should ask each other up front

Starting a new partnership brings both excitement and uncertainty.  First impressions for client and contractor clearly went well, otherwise there’d be no project.  But, you’ve never actually worked together, so who knows how this thing’s really gonna go?   I’ve written before about the importance of managing expectations.  What some people don’t seem to realize…

Tags: Freelancing, Proposals

New Freelancer Tips For Contract Specs Part 2: How To Charge

December 1, 2022
Dollar bill from freelancer client contract fees

Welcome to the second part of our contract miniseries for budding freelancers.  Part 1 covered how to develop a proposed scope of work for new projects.  Here, we’ll dial into the piece of that proposal that tends to cause the most angst among new independent contractors:  the fee.   Honestly, unless you’ve done this before…

Tags: Freelancing, Proposals

New Freelancer Tips For Contract Specs Part 1: How To Scope

November 1, 2022
Freelancer and client signing a business contract

Having been in the freelance circle for a while now, I’m always happy to share my experience with those toying with the whole gig economy thing.  Now’s a good time to return to this as we close out 2022 in case there’s anyone out there planning to use the new year as a clean break…

Tags: Freelancing, Proposals

Every Question I Ask Before Writing A Webpage…At First

August 8, 2022
Freelancers asking a client strategic questions to start a project

“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask.”   Smart fella, that Einstein.  After all, questions are the key to quality.  That’s why I tend to ask a lot of questions before projects, especially…

Tags: Freelancing, Websites

A Freelance Marketer At Five Years

June 1, 2022
Freelance work on a laptop at the beach

It’s been five years since I left full-time employment for the gig economy.  This, perhaps more than any other move in a life full of unexpected moves, is something I still can’t believe I actually did sometimes.   After all, it’s not like I didn’t like my job.  I was doing well, enjoyed the work,…

Tags: Freelancing

I Write Copy, But Does That Make Me A Copywriter?

March 7, 2022
Storytelling strategist’s notebook with the words Write Ideas on the cover

I made a mistake when I started this business.  I marketed myself as a copywriter.  That was wrong.   Here’s why.   People often hear the term “copywriter” and think of someone who puts the print in advertising.  The fact is, I rarely, if ever, write ads.  Therefore, to commit to “copywriter” as a freelancer…

Tags: Branding, Freelancing

A Writer’s Technique For Turning New Clients Into Repeats

September 1, 2021
Freelance creatives should guide how their clients review their work

For any company in any industry, it’s easier to keep existing clients than to get new ones.  This is no secret.   As a freelancer, it’s that much more important.  Sales is on me, so every minute I spend looking for new work is one less minute for billable work.   Some of this work…

Tags: Customer Service, Freelancing

Ironing Out The Most Common Freelancer Vs. Client Wrinkles

July 3, 2021
Freelancer communicating with a client to resolve a conflict

According to a recent study by Skyword, relations between freelance content creators and their clients aren’t always hunky-dory.  Nothing shocking there.  Friction is an occupational hazard for any B2B arrangement.   What is notable are its underlying causes, however.  Some of the most common gripes on both sides are also some of the most avoidable….

Tags: Customer Service, Freelancing, Partnerships

30-Point Checklist for New Freelancers Part 3: Branding

May 2, 2021
New freelance business person working at home on computers

Note:  I was fortunate to have a support network in getting my business off the ground, and I’m happy to pass along the favor to others doing the same.  So, the posts in this series will be slightly longer than the promised four-minute read rather than mailing it in for the sake of a self-imposed…

Tags: Branding, Content Marketing, Freelancing, Sales, Strategy

30-Point Checklist for New Freelancers Part 2: Communications

April 10, 2021
New freelance contractor doing remote work on a computer

Note:  I was fortunate to have a support network in getting my business off the ground, and I’m happy to pass along the favor to others doing the same.  So, the posts in this series will be slightly longer than the promised four-minute read rather than mailing it in for the sake of a self-imposed…

Tags: Branding, Freelancing, Sales, Strategy