Tag "sales"

Core Brand Elements (Plus Some Core-ish Ones): Part 3

April 11, 2023
Salesperson giving a business elevator pitch for the company’s brand

Note:  As part of this series, I offer market examples to illustrate each concept.  Some are fairly extensive, so I’ve chosen to exceed the four-minute mark in favor of quality (hopefully).  After all, they reinforce my points, and I like credibility.     Welcome, friends, to Part 3 of this three-part series on brand development. …

Tags: Branding, Pitches, Sales

With Sales Pitches, Be Marvel, Not DC

January 9, 2023
Ironman and the Marvel MCU as a model for sales pitch storytelling

Whether you’re a comic-book buff or the furthest thing from it, you have to be in awe of what Marvel has pulled off.  Its Marvel Cinematic Universe, or MCU to the uninitiated, is an epic achievement.   Marvel’s strategy from the get-go was unprecedented.  Superhero movies have been around for decades, but they’ve always been…

Tags: Pitches, Sales

Sky-High Sales Pitch? Then Think Of Prospects As Skydivers

January 3, 2022
Tandem skydivers are like reluctant buyers convinced to jump by good salespeople

Generally speaking, the pricier the product, the greater the buyer hesitation.  What separates sales pros from Joes, though, is the empathy with which they handle that hesitation.   Pressing the right buttons throughout the sales process requires putting yourself in their shoes, especially when you’re asking for a sizable chunk of their budgets.  Otherwise, you…

Tags: Sales

Innocent Furniture Store Or Covert Direct-Response Agency?

October 1, 2021
IKEA stores are models for direct-response sales landing pages

What do IKEA and direct-response landing pages have in common?   Strategic manipulation.  Of you.   That’s right.  They provide a very specific, highly-thought-out journey for their visitors.  People go where these things want them to go, with little to no choice but to follow a predetermined path from start to finish.   So, follow…

Tags: Sales, Strategy, Websites

With Sales Messaging, Relatability Is Everything

August 5, 2021
Person looking at the stars representing the importance of scaling sales messaging down for your audience

I’m a big space nerd.  Documentaries, books, newsletters—fascinating stuff, man.   For example, it blows my mind what scientists know about planets outside of our Solar System.  They can measure mass, radius, tilt, orbit, surface temp, and even the chemicals in their atmospheres.  We’re talking about objects that are 150 light years away!   The…

Tags: Pitches, Sales

Always, Always Review Sales Copy for These 6 Simple Mistakes

June 1, 2021
Typewriter writing the word Review to represent finding sales copy mistakes

Sales and marketing materials aren’t always easy to create.  If they were, people like me wouldn’t really have, you know, a job.  Granted, it’s not all I do, but helping companies position themselves as more attractive partners is a big part of my thing.   In doing this I tend to spend an inordinate amount…

Tags: Pitches, Proposals, Sales

30-Point Checklist for New Freelancers Part 3: Branding

May 2, 2021
New freelance business person working at home on computers

Note:  I was fortunate to have a support network in getting my business off the ground, and I’m happy to pass along the favor to others doing the same.  So, the posts in this series will be slightly longer than the promised four-minute read rather than mailing it in for the sake of a self-imposed…

Tags: Branding, Content Marketing, Freelancing, Sales, Strategy

30-Point Checklist for New Freelancers Part 2: Communications

April 10, 2021
New freelance contractor doing remote work on a computer

Note:  I was fortunate to have a support network in getting my business off the ground, and I’m happy to pass along the favor to others doing the same.  So, the posts in this series will be slightly longer than the promised four-minute read rather than mailing it in for the sake of a self-imposed…

Tags: Branding, Freelancing, Sales, Strategy

30-Point Checklist for New Freelancers Part 1: Admin Setup

March 6, 2021
Home office with computer and workstation for new freelancers

Note:  I was fortunate to have a support network in getting my business off the ground, and I’m happy to pass along the favor to others doing the same.  So, the posts in this series will be slightly longer than the promised four-minute read rather than mailing it in for the sake of a self-imposed…

Tags: Branding, Freelancing, Sales, Strategy

A Brief Briefing On Brevity For Sales And Marketing Teams

January 5, 2021
Hourglass representing the importance of brief sales and business presentations

Ever heard of the Doolittle Sales Pitch?  Probably not since I just made it up.  (Boom, trademark.)   I’m not referring to the guy who talks to pets.  I’m referring to the guy who bombed Japan.   Jimmy Doolittle was the WWII Medal of Honor winner depicted by Alec Baldwin in the 2001 Affleck flick…

Tags: Pitches, Proposals, Sales