Tag "sales"

7 Things You Should Never, Ever Do In A Sales Presentation

November 1, 2020
Sales person giving business development presentation

It’s not always easy for sales teams to claw their way into the conference room (or onto the Zoom call as the case may be these days).  Once you’re there, you get one shot at that all-important first impression, so you’ve got to make it count.   Just as critical as knowing what to do…

Tags: Pitches, Sales

What Kind Of Shoreline Salesperson Are You?

September 3, 2020
Waves and coastal currents can represent different types of sales strategies

My ideal vacation involves sun, sand, and surf.  Every time.  Can’t get enough of it.  Relaxation personified.   As much as I’ll try to put work out of my mind, though, sometimes it creeps in like a ghost crab near an unzipped cooler.  That’s not always a bad thing.  Sometimes your best thinking comes when…

Tags: Sales, Strategy

Closing The Deal: A Case Study In Creative Value Exchange

August 2, 2020
NHL sponsorship deal including lower bowl season tickets

I’m a big fan of B2B partnership marketing.  Strategic alliances can open so many doors that otherwise wouldn’t be available for reaching corporate and consumer audiences.   Sports sponsorships are especially popular.  These deals make up approximately 70% of the $65B+ sponsorship industry.  Depending on your business and objectives, they can be a great option…

Tags: Case Studies, Partnerships, Sales

Add A Little Common Sense To Your Commercial Insight

July 4, 2020
Statue of Liberty symbolizing Thomas Paine’s Common Sense as an example of commercial insight in B2B sales

Note:  In honor of our nation’s birthday, and given how in tough times it can be helpful to remember what it is that unites us, this piece breaks the 4-minute rule.      The list of How-To sales books is long and distinguished.  Most of them are highly salesperson-oriented.  They’ll of course go into understanding…

Tags: Pitches, Sales

Cold Mountains Are Blueprints For Closing Hot Leads, Part 3: Descent

June 1, 2020
Descending mountain climbers must pay attention like salespeople after the sale

As established in Part 1 and Part 2, high-altitude mountaineering and B2B business development aren’t the strange bedfellows they might seem like at first glance.  Scaling the world’s tallest peaks offers considerable insight into preparing for and then executing a successful sales pitch with quality prospects.   End of story, right?  Not even close.  …

Tags: Customer Service, Sales

Cold Mountains Are Blueprints For Closing Hot Leads, Part 2: Ascent

June 1, 2020
Mountain climbers reaching the summit like sales teams successfully closing a deal

In Part 1 of this three-part series, we introduced the idea of mountain climbing as a metaphor for moving hot leads toward the sale.  Thorough preparation in its various forms is the first step for both.  Now you’re ready to start the real journey.  Base camp’s a long way from the summit, but the right…

Tags: Sales

Cold Mountains Are Blueprints For Closing Hot Leads, Part 1: Preparation

June 1, 2020
Man running through mountains training like a salesperson preparing for a deal

For any athlete, at some point you have to listen to your body when it tells you to dial things down a notch.  I don’t sit still very well, so for me this became a transition from team sports to extreme sports.   Mountain climbing is now officially my sport (activity?) of choice.  This is,…

Tags: Sales

10 Ways To Up B2B Customer Retention After The First Sale

May 22, 2020
B2B customer service account team hosting business clients

Churn.  Turnover.  Attrition.  Words no business leader wants to hear preceded by “customer.”  Yet, many do all too often.  Depending on their sector, B2Bs can lose a quarter or more of their clients on an annual basis.   That’s expensive in more ways than one.  But, I’m less concerned with postmortem math than I am…

Tags: Customer Service, Freelancing, Sales

Is Your Sales Presentation Too Long? Give It The Churchill Test

May 14, 2020
Winston Churchill in front of Parliament and Big Ben

A common role for an agency of record representing blue-chip brands is serving as first line of defense for various types of B2B pitches.  I sat through hundreds of these over the years:  sports properties, entertainment promoters, celebrities and influencers, non-profits, tech developers, and the list goes on.  Even if we ultimately gave our client…

Tags: Pitches, Sales

8 Common Sales Proposal Mistakes That Are Easy To Avoid

April 8, 2020
Caution sign warning businesses about mistakes in their sales proposals

We all know that there’s as much offline, behind-the-scenes work during a B2B negotiation as there is formal discussion.  In order to reach that point, though, sales teams need to make a good first impression.  This applies even in situations when you have a referral or a direct connection.  After all, not everyone on the…

Tags: Proposals, Sales