Tag "strategy"

How Marketing Case Studies Put Good Brands In Good Hands

October 3, 2022
College football field goal

It’s October, which means we’re now fully entrenched in football season.  Which is great.  So, I figured I’d offer some gridiron-inspired food for thought before your next gameday grocery run.   During my sports agency days, we often used case studies to show brand clients how effective sponsorships could be strategized, negotiated, and executed.  In…

Tags: Case Studies, Partnerships, Strategy

A Basic Roadmap For Marketing Your Next White Paper

September 6, 2022
Content marketing roadmap

A white paper—or guide, report, or other similar term—is a classic form of content marketing.  Its purpose is to draw people in by giving them free, valuable info about a topic in exchange for the right to plug your business as the solution at the end.   Like articles, infographics, videos, and other top-of-funnel materials,…

Tags: Content Marketing, Strategy

Marketing Measurement Part 2: Measurement In Action

May 1, 2022
Sports stadium seats used by sponsors who receive game tickets

Note:  Because of the explanation necessary here, this piece will exceed the four-minute read rule.  Hopefully it’ll be worth your time (precious though it is, I know).     In Part 1 of this two-part series, we considered how a set of results from any type of marketing campaign isn’t measurement by itself.  Rather, it’s…

Tags: Measurement, Partnerships, Strategy

Marketing Measurement Part 1: Results Are Not Measurement

April 1, 2022
Measurement tools are important for marketing just like they are for carpentry

If you’ve ever worked at a marketing agency, this scenario might sound familiar.  There are six weeks to go in your client’s fiscal.  They give you a call with a rush request to help them figure out how to spend their remaining budget for fear of losing it the following year.  The subsequent spending spree…

Tags: Measurement, Strategy

Innocent Furniture Store Or Covert Direct-Response Agency?

October 1, 2021
IKEA stores are models for direct-response sales landing pages

What do IKEA and direct-response landing pages have in common?   Strategic manipulation.  Of you.   That’s right.  They provide a very specific, highly-thought-out journey for their visitors.  People go where these things want them to go, with little to no choice but to follow a predetermined path from start to finish.   So, follow…

Tags: Sales, Strategy, Websites

30-Point Checklist for New Freelancers Part 3: Branding

May 2, 2021
New freelance business person working at home on computers

Note:  I was fortunate to have a support network in getting my business off the ground, and I’m happy to pass along the favor to others doing the same.  So, the posts in this series will be slightly longer than the promised four-minute read rather than mailing it in for the sake of a self-imposed…

Tags: Branding, Content Marketing, Freelancing, Sales, Strategy

30-Point Checklist for New Freelancers Part 2: Communications

April 10, 2021
New freelance contractor doing remote work on a computer

Note:  I was fortunate to have a support network in getting my business off the ground, and I’m happy to pass along the favor to others doing the same.  So, the posts in this series will be slightly longer than the promised four-minute read rather than mailing it in for the sake of a self-imposed…

Tags: Branding, Freelancing, Sales, Strategy

30-Point Checklist for New Freelancers Part 1: Admin Setup

March 6, 2021
Home office with computer and workstation for new freelancers

Note:  I was fortunate to have a support network in getting my business off the ground, and I’m happy to pass along the favor to others doing the same.  So, the posts in this series will be slightly longer than the promised four-minute read rather than mailing it in for the sake of a self-imposed…

Tags: Branding, Freelancing, Sales, Strategy

Business Unit Branding: A Strategic Approach

February 1, 2021
Rebranding a business unit is strategic like chess

You don’t need to be a career marketer to know how important branding is to your business.  Colors, logo, tone, culture, mission—all of these and more represent who you are to the world.   But, it all starts with a name.  Strong, catchy names can perform up to 33% better on the stock market than…

Tags: Branding, Case Studies, Strategy

What Kind Of Shoreline Salesperson Are You?

September 3, 2020
Waves and coastal currents can represent different types of sales strategies

My ideal vacation involves sun, sand, and surf.  Every time.  Can’t get enough of it.  Relaxation personified.   As much as I’ll try to put work out of my mind, though, sometimes it creeps in like a ghost crab near an unzipped cooler.  That’s not always a bad thing.  Sometimes your best thinking comes when…

Tags: Sales, Strategy