Tag "websites"

Every Question I Ask Before Writing A Webpage…At First

August 8, 2022
Freelancers asking a client strategic questions to start a project

“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask.”   Smart fella, that Einstein.  After all, questions are the key to quality.  That’s why I tend to ask a lot of questions before projects, especially…

Tags: Freelancing, Websites

Innocent Furniture Store Or Covert Direct-Response Agency?

October 1, 2021
IKEA stores are models for direct-response sales landing pages

What do IKEA and direct-response landing pages have in common?   Strategic manipulation.  Of you.   That’s right.  They provide a very specific, highly-thought-out journey for their visitors.  People go where these things want them to go, with little to no choice but to follow a predetermined path from start to finish.   So, follow…

Tags: Sales, Strategy, Websites

Attention B2Bs: 8 Stats Urging You To Improve Your Website

December 1, 2020
Sketch for a better B2B website design and user experience

You know how most people would agree that having a fire extinguisher in the house is a good idea, but only about six in 10 actually do?  Well, same thing with company websites.  Execs know it’s a good idea to have a buttoned-up site, but not all of them make it a priority.   Now,…

Tags: Websites

What Comic-Con Teaches Us About Corporate Websites

April 21, 2020
Comic-Con fans who enjoy well-produced movie trailers are good models for websites

If you know nothing else about Comic-Con, you should know that its fanboy attendees are some of the most ardent followers of anything ever.  San Diego’s four-day fiesta is the annual nerve center for all things sci-fi, fantasy, gaming, and related pop-culture genres.  It’s a real hoot.   Out of the ridiculous number of things…

Tags: Websites